The Fashion Detective Came To Play

Following our fabulous engagement news last Saturday, I of course did what every discerning photographer/blogger would do and took pictures of my ring and put it all over Facebook, Twitter and Instagram 🙂

One of our oldest friends (in terms of how long we have known her, not age) is Jo Payton, aka The Fashion Detective, and within minutes she had mentioned coming down to Brighton to drink champagne to celebrate. A little over 24 hours later and Jo was in Brighton, along with the Fashion Detective family.

We went for Sunday lunch at The Gorge Payne pub. It was ok, and I mean just ok. The champagne was great and the new addition of beach huts in the pub garden was great. The hour-long wait for food, not so great 😦 Following lunch we hit the beach as Jo needed to complete her shoot for the day’s blog.

Jo writes her blog every single day and has done for 2-3 years. Throw into this that she is also a full-time freelance journalist, features on London radio, super mum and PTA participant, I’m sure she is in a Wonderwoman outfit under all those fabulous outfits!

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By sheer coincidence, Jo and her hubby Matt have a Canon camera, and so after a quick 10 minute crash course, Matt was out of auto settings and Jo was investing in new lenses. I have a feeling I have unleashed a new obsession in The Fashion Detective house, sorry!

Obviously for Jo it was all about the fashion. The dress in these pictures is a summer prom dress from We all decided it was a great pick for a wedding outfit, although we may have been slightly bias 🙂

I have to say for me, the shoot was all about getting to grips with the new camera, and O..M..G, THE SHOES!!! The boots are a serious electric blue, with a huge heel. If Jo was the same size feet as me I would have been stealing those babies, unfortunately, I have huge feet and these shoes are no longer on sale.

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2013-04-13_0008Following the very short shoot, we coaxed the youngest member of the Fashion Detective family off of the beach (retrieving his shoes from the top of a beach hut) and we went to Marroccos for pudding as none of us wanted to wait another hour in the pub!

You may remember my image for 99 Problems from the 366 project last year. The ice cream used in that was from Marroccos. The queue for ice cream at Marroccos when there is just a hint of sun is always huge but thus was the first time we decided to sit in for desert. I have to say, we all agreed that we would want to go back for a full meal as the food we saw being served up looked amazing, and everyone likes the retro feel of the restaurant.

2013-04-13_0007 2013-04-13_0006 2013-04-13_0005 2013-04-13_0001Thank you Jo for being the excited friend that needed to come and drink champagne, and thank you for letting me gate crash your photo shoot for the day.

Lel xxx