Day 351- Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow

2012-12-16_0001It’s the week before Christmas and SFHQ is going Christmas crazy! Oh yes my friends, if you are having yourself a Bah Humbug kinda week, time to switch the channel 🙂

It’s been a lovely day here today, my brother, his girlfriend and my gorgeous niece came to spend the afternoon with us and we had a lovely walk along the seafront and then Little Miss and the little one played so well this afternoon although it did look like a Barbie doll massacre in the house at one point…

I know tonight’s image is a little blurry, and I am concerned that my lens may have been sticky fingered so I am going to have to give both my camera and my lenses some TLC at the end of this project I think.

To end tonight, I have a plea for you all. This coming Friday is going to be the final ever Story Frame Photography 366 vote. Please could you ask any friends to vote, they don’t have to register any details, just click on a button.

Before you ask, I know I have 2 more Friday’s but the last few days of the year I am reserving for the people who have commented on the blog and followed me all year. I will be asking them for a song title each just after Christmas, so if you have commented a lot it could be you, or if you are bursting for a particular song title then you have about 10 days to get all your comments on 🙂

Lel xxx

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